Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Baby Steps

Good morning!, It is a lovely spring day outside.  I am now on day 22 of my year and a day and have been working on getting things jotted down that I want to put into my book of shadows when it arrives.  Today I want to talk about being an overweight person.  I am currently 350 lbs, I can hear some of you saying put the fork down, actually in my case it's not the fork that made me this way, I do not hardly eat, I skip breakfast, sometimes even lunch and have dinner, most days I eat three meals a day, and not huge portions either, my problem is not eating enough, and not exercising.  I also used to drink a lot of sugary sodas, and southern sweet tea, now I drink coke zero, which as I have cut way down and I used two packs of sweet in low in my tea, working on cutting that down to one and hopefully soon none.  Oh and I don't eat a lot of vegetables or fruit. 

It is hard for someone my size to do things, and I feel like I am 60 instead of 43.  I am also tired of people staring and not finding clothing that fits right.  I went to see my psychiatrist yesterday and my vitals were taken my blood pressure was up from last time.  

As a wiccan if we don't honor our selves, our bodies, we don't honor the god and goddess, so today I got up and went outside, walked from our gate to the wall that is in the back of our apartment building I did this three times and it felt great, I know it wasn't a lot but hey when you haven't worked out or did a lot of moving it felt like I won a marathon.  Before I moved here to San Diego, I was working out for an hour using the wii, I was riding my stationary bike for 30mins, I was using weights to work out my arms and walking for 20 to 30 mins a day plus eating more fruit and such.  I really need to get back into that, I keep telling myself that when my husband and I get a bigger house, right now we live in a small apartment that should be considered just for one person., anyho, I can't keep using that excuse for not doing it.  So as I said today I started doing something, it's not much, but to even start anything you must first take baby steps.  


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