Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Need To Rant

So remember how I have been going on and on about my book of shadows that I ordered back in December of 2015? I still haven't gotten it. Now the deal is she was in the hospital for a week or so, and now home but may have to have brain surgery. She did tell me when she got home, she would work on books and that mine was one of eight about to be ready to go to its home. She told me the end of this month (looks at calendar) which is today, would be her goal for getting it done, now mind you it's been two weeks since she came home from the hospital, she was very responsive on the facebook page about her issue, since then have heard nothing, I have sent messages asking how much longer, how is she doing? How much is done.  I know things happen and that it is beyond our control but when you go from "Oh April 5th is the 12 week finish time so you're book should be done by then, to well the item that was sent for it was the wrong one, so had to send back, got another one, wrong one again, sent back, finally in mid May got the correct item, now you're book's goal to be completed is now Mid July, okay, well sorry our book creator is out for surgery will be back on her feet in two week, okay, well now I am in hospital with possible brain surgery, oh but when I get home from the Hospital I'll work on books and the goal is end of August" Yeah it gets frustrating. 
So here it is the end of August, no word, no hint, no answer to my inquiries as to when it will be done.  People are telling me to open a case and try to get my money back, I don't want to do that as the book is special to me and I haven't found one that calls to me like this one, I know her shop isn't a scam as I have seen youtube videos that people posted when they got their books, and I did order a small item from them that I did get. I don't want to do it but I am to the point of where I am going to tell her just mail me what she has done with items that need to be to complete it and I'll finish my book and expect a partial refund. I am beyond frustrated and I don't think I will get my money back as it will be almost a year. If I was in anyway shape or form crafty I would make my own book of shadows. Sorry for this post but I needed to Rant. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

A MishMash Of Things

Good Morning everyone, I hope you are doing well. As for me I am getting there been dealing with my depression and anxiety which has been high the past few weeks. Can't believe another year is almost gone. This post is just going to be about whatever thoughts are running through my head and some things I found on the internet that I like.  

Update about my book of shadows that I have been waiting on for almost a year, the maker of the book just got out of the hospital, she had gone in due to have strep which in turn went up into her brain causing an abscess, she may have to have surgery.  She is at home now and said that my book was one of eight about ready to go to its home. Hopefully the end of this month.  *Keeps Fingers Crossed*  I have also been looking at how to make a second book for myself, been watching youtube videos and looking at the items I need.  Amazon has the items and at great prices as well, so I think when I get a bit of extra money I'll buy the stuff and see if I can't make one. 

Just some things I found on the net that I liked, and will be printing off to put into my book of shadows once it arrives. Today is a busy day taking the dog to the groomers, running some errands with my husband, perhaps grabbing some lunch, I am just praying to the Goddess that my anxiety stays down so that I can go. Blessed Be Everyone hope you enjoyed this mishmash of things.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Little Bit Each Day

Today I have decided to start my work out.  I was only able to do seven minutes of the workout but you know what I am proud of what I could do.  I didn't get upset about what I didn't do, I was happy with what I did do, as I have stated in my earlier posts I haven't exercised much if any. My goal for this week is to do three days. I am tired of my back hurting and my knees hurting and not being able to clean the house like I want due to the pain. I am going to also try to eat every two hours. I have neglected myself for so long that I forgot how to get started. So today was my do over and getting started, it doesn't matter what you start with, it doesn't matter how long you can do exercises, it doesn't matter, what matters is you took that step that small step to get started, it may be walking from the living to the kitchen five to six times a day, not to get food but to walk it might be sitting in your chair with five pound weights in each hand and doing some form of movement, it might be going outside and walking from one end of the driveway to the other, it might be not drinking but one soda a day instead of three or four and drinking more water, it might be eating the hamburger without the fries, or eating an apple instead of chips, as long as you make some change. Don't get upset if you can't complete the full workout, instead pat yourself on the back that you were able to do five, seven, ten, fifteen, minutes. A little bit each day is what counts. 

Image result for starts with a single step quote


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Feeling Lost

Good morning or afternoon, 
I haven't posted in awhile, due to my depression running amuck. I have also been having panic attacks and lately just been wanting to stay home in my own little space.  It sucks a lot especially when I want to get out and go places and do things.  I still haven't gotten my book of shadows, she told me her goal was to get it done and get it sent this month, it's actually two months overdue now.  I keep telling myself that if it doesn't happen this month then I'll put in a case to my payment provider and with etsy to see about getting my book, I don't want a refund just my book, she told me it was halfway done, but she has had the butterfly since May and had all of June and July to work on it, not only that but their shop is down has been for a month now and they are telling people that etsy is having an  issue with their shop and they are working to get it back up, it has never taken etsy that long to get a shop up.  
I also have slacked off on eating correctly and working out, I really am trying hard to get motivated to get into the mind frame of shedding this weight, I may start another blog about my journey of weight loss, keeping track of the foods I consume and what and when I workout. I am feeling lost and don't know where to start, I had it going in Springfield, working out, eating correctly I was loosing weight, I get here and that all stops, I gained 70 pounds in the three years that I have been here, from 289 to 360.  I keep trying to plan out what to do, to get started, I think I'll set a goal to work out ten mins a day to start then build up to longer, after having not worked out for years, I think that will be a good start. I keep putting things off and I really need to get out of this slump. So yep I think I'll start a food blog and weight loss blog, I am tired of feeling lost.