I haven't posted in a bit due to having panic attacks and anxiety, and depression, Which kept me in bed for a day or so. I am doing alright today. It is gloomy outside and the birds are singing. It rained some, which as I love when it does it here in California. My wonderful husband bought me a besom for valentines day. For my birthday that is coming up he bought me a scrying mirror from the same people that are making my book of shadows. I just got word that the maker of my book has been working on it and they informed me that they felt a lot of energy in the book and saw an aura, they wanted to know if I was sending it, Yes I have been as every time I look at it I think of my mother, the butterfly on the cover reminds me of her, she loves butterflies. I cannot wait until March 1st to start my year and a day journey. I chose the day before my birthday so that when the year and a day ends it will be on March 2nd, my birthday.
So back to what this post is really about. I wish I knew really what was causing my panic attacks and anxiety. I hate the feeling of the tightening up of my body and chest and the shakes and building panic, the fear bubbling up. I hate feeling weak. I have been going to therapy for three years now and I am doing somewhat better, I can sleep without the lights on and I am not afraid to go into a closet. I am still having trouble taking a shower without panic setting in, but I am getting there. So if this is happening to you, you are not alone there are others, like me, who have to deal with this damn thing on a weekly basis, keep your head up, fight the fight and stay strong. So when I think of my panic attacks and depression and anxiety I hear Lions and Tigers and Bears OH My!, but in this case it would be Anxiety, Panic attacks , Depression OH My!.
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