Thursday, June 21, 2018

Blabbing/Am I Going To Get Scammed Again

Hello and Happy Litha everyone,

How are you celebrating Litha today?  As I stated in my last post, I will be having a picnic with my hubby, later this evening.  I am still awaiting word on when my book is going to ship, I was told it was going to be done June 5th and then a couple days before it was due I get a notice that there is going to be a ten day delay and that it would be done and sent on the 15th then I get another notice that their schedules got messed up and that it would be sent sometime this week, when I asked what day, I get no reply, this is the exact same thing that my scammer did to me, so what do you all think you think I am going to get scammed again, now I have seen that other people have their books that ordered from them, but so did other people that ordered from the person I ordered from?  I will give her until July first then I will get a refund.  This is just so frustrating. Sorry for this rant but yeah you would think that they would be on the ball and get the customer's order shipped, I mean they expect money up front and paid off before working on the book you ordered but then have no issue delaying your item. Wonder if doing a spell would get my book sent out faster LOL, I found something on facebook for homemade Headache Salve 

Stress Headache= Lavender and peppermint essential oils
Migraine- Peppermint and Basil Essential Oils
Congestion= Eucalyptus and Peppermint Essential Oils 
Normal Headache= Peppermint Essential Oil

What You'll Need To Make:
2 glass bowls different sizes
Hot Water
Small Metal Container, or glass baby food jars with lids
Virgin Coconut Oil
Put hot water into larger bowl, set smaller bowl ontop of larger bowl add in coconut oil, let sit until coconut oil is melted ( I guess however much you want, there were no measurements for this ) add drops of oil enough to where you can smell it, I would say about 1-3 drops, stir gently and pour into container. Let it harden, if you live in a warmer climate you may want to store it in fridge. To use dab onto your fingertips and rub into temples, back of your neck or sinuses or where ever needed. 

If I can find it I also have oil for pain I can't remember if I got it from Lady Gravedancer or Ember Honey Raven
 But when I find it I"ll post it in my next post as well as Lady Gravedancer's cough drops or cold drops.
Wonderful women I highly recommend their youtube channels, please subscribe to them you won't regret it.  
Oh on another note I am now at 327 or 328, so I am at a 56-55 pound weight loss now. 
 I just felt like Blabbing today. 

Update July 8th I finally got my book of shadows a few days ago, the cover is amazing, however, the paper inside is not archival acid free, it's just plain old printer paper, the paper is hard to get out of the binding as they put the posts in the spine along the side and not through the middle flap, you cannot add more paper or even good quality paper without not being able to add much, also the inside covers are not cloth but printer paper with a printed design on it, and the title page is not hand done as they state but printed out and it was already chipping the ink off when I got it, my husband ended up with it and I am waiting on my new one to come in on Friday from a different person, this one is a practical magic style and is made to look antique. 

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