Hey all Merry Meet, I know it has been awhile since I have written anything, I have been in a funk. Dealing with my mental issues, started seeing my new therapist, So far she is great. I also found something that helps with my anxiety and panic attacks, calms me down very quickly, it's a weighted blanket. When I start feeling anxious and panicky I grab that and wrap it around me in less than fifteen mins I am calm and able to function again, I recommend getting one, they work for kids with ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer's Patients, people with panic attacks.
Right now the weather is hot, I am looking forward to fall. I love Halloween and fall, I miss being in the Midwest during fall, the smell of the leaves as they lay on the ground, damp and dying, the chill in the air, the smell of the cold in the air, the smell of smoke as someone is burning leaves.
I also broke down and bought a bullet journal and a book on how to bullet journal, never done it before so am eager to try it to get myself organized, I don't know if I'll be ordering the Leonie Dawson workbook this year, she has stopped doing her facebook page and has started doing essential oils and trying to do a pyramid scheme, she is only focused on her academy which now costs 997.00 to join and that is where her real focus is, Normally she does a preorder for her books, but now she isn't doing that this year, I was told either end of October or November is when we can order the books. So I am torn I loved the work book I got for this year, and was thinking of if I don't order the coming years I could jot what I want from it into my bullet journal, we'll see. What are some daily planners, journals and such that you use?
Also, I am not sure anymore about friendships, seems a certain friend and I have lost base/touch once again, We haven't talked in awhile, nor have we done anything together, I am starting to feel that now that she is doing other things and more in touch with another friend that I am on the back burner again, I even suggested we go see the new Annabelle movie together, no response whatsoever. She has stated she wants to start back up our facebook page on the paranormal, haven't seen any posts from her on our page at all, She keeps saying she wants us to keep in touch and to remain friends, but I don't see it. I have texted her and even messaged her on facebook, she'll talk to me for a bit then I won't hear anything from her at all. I still haven't met her boyfriend, nor have I really got to meet her best friend of 20 some years. She was supposed to have come to my house at one time, but canceled on me. I know I know you're probably saying why do you deal with it? I am not sure why...
Anyway, just wanted to give you an update. I promise I will get around to doing witchy things, on here, Any suggestions on what you would like for me to post, talk about etc drop me a comment.
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