Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Letting Go/Saying Goodbye.

I haven't blogged in about a month.  I have been having a hard time.  I haven't spoken with my parents in about a month.  As some of you know or may not know, my mom has alzhimers and my dad and I don't get along. I have issues of my own that I am working through. April the 18th of this year I got into a horrible fight with my father, and since then we have not spoken, I know some of you are saying you should make up and make amends, Well I would have but I found out he has been lying to me about something and it's hurt me deeply that he would do this to me and my husband. As far as my mom goes,I said my goodbye to her before I left Missouri for good and she knew, before her memories left her, that I would not be coming back there.  So after all has been said and done, I do not feel guilty anymore about not going home and I am not worried anymore about them, nor will I ever. So I finally learned how to let it go and say goodbye. 

On another note, I am still waiting on my book of shadows, There was yet another delay with the butterfly, I sent a message three weeks ago to the creator and haven't heard back, A) The butterfly has arrived and she is working like mad on my book and won't reply until it's done or B) The butterfly hasn't arrived and she has nothing to report, but normally she is good about giving me a heads up, so am not sure what is going on. I may be ordering another one from them as I was watching a youtube video about someone who has more than one and says it's worth it as there is so much information to put into a book with all the herbs, potions, oils, spells, plants, flowers, etc. you run out of room. So yeah I am going to save up and get another one from them as well. 

I can attest to that as my pseudo book of shadows already has so much information in it and I am finding more and more new stuff everyday. 
So I hope you are all doing well . Blessed Be.  

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