Monday, February 4, 2019

Learning To Heal And Be Me Again and In A Magickal Slump.

Hey Everyone, It's been forever since I have blogged anything.  I have been dealing with some issues, mental health-related and emotional.  I about 20 years ago walked away from a toxic relationship and I never knew how to heal and I was just pushing it in the back of my mind. I was watching my girl Ember Honey Raven on youtube and she was talking about some books she got and I thought you know I am going to look into these and I showed them to my hubby, and he bought them for me, I finished Psychopath Free in two days and I must say, Bravo, Bravo.  I never knew the reason why I stayed for so long, I never figured out how I got sucked into being with that person and all the little ways and things that person would do to tear away who I was and mold me into what they wanted.  I have been crying the past few days, as I am ready to heal and opened up the wounds and brought the memories to the surface that I kept tucked away in my mind somewhere.  I am emotionally drained right now and have been sleeping a lot and kind of hiding away.  

It's also raining right now has been for the last four days, I am about to build an ark ya'll and I also noticed the roof here in my spare room/office is leaking so yay another thing to deal with on top of that the starter in the car went out as well as the radiator leaking, but that is fixed, now I need to call landlord and tell him about the leaking roof as soon as this rain lets up on Wed. Sorry got off track with my thoughts and am just typing out whatever is in my head.  Also, offer up blessings, thoughts, well wishes for my hubby he has to have eye surgery end of this month for cataracts. 

I am also in a magical slump and don't know how to get out of it, I may go back to the basics and just start reading the books I got when I first started walking the witchy/Wiccan path. Rededicate myself to Danu, The Morrigan, Hecate, and The Horned God. 

So Just thought I would check in, give an update check to see how you all are doing and let you know I am learning to heal and be me again and figuring out a way to overcome this magickal slump. 

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