Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Enough Is Enough

Lately In the news I have been seeing many reports of police officers getting shot and killed, police officer involved shootings and such going on.  What are we doing people? Why are we doing this to each other.?  We should be standing by each other, not hating each other, people ask when will it stop, it won't stop until the racism and hate is gone, until we start caring for our fellowman, regardless if they are White, Black, Asian, Native American, Hispanic, whatever race.  A lot of people are saying we need to turn back to God, thoughts on this are, those that are doing the most killing are those that follow the Christian God, a lot of killings are done in his name, those that are doing the killings were most likely raised in a home with parents that took their children to church, I am not saying all Christians are like this, but if we need to get back to God to make the Country right again, then shouldn't those that are saying this try harder to care for their fellow man?  I follow the wiccan creed, Ever mind the rule of three, good or bad what you put out there comes back to you threefold, an ye harm none do what thou will, So yeah I don't want bad things to happen in my life, so I try not to put out bad things in the universe, I try to help and to do good, I do not hate anyone.  I also feel it's time we stop handing out aid to the refugees that are coming over here and taking care of our homeless veterans and men and women and children and poor and elderly, at one time this, from what I understand, was the greatest nation in the world. What happened?  We are so caught up in ourselves, i.e. faces to the cell phone all the time, computer time, families sitting at the table eating out all of them with some electronic device in their hands not interacting.  Parents being their childrens' friends and not parents, no discipline at all.  I grew up in the era, if I acted up, talked back, got in trouble at school, was disrespectful, I got my butt whipped and was made to mind, and I guess by getting my butt whipped, I learned respect, I learned to be kind, I learned to be strong, I learned to respect authority and not act up.  I don't do drugs, I haven't committed murder, never been to jail, never stole. I know you are probably reading this saying yeah but spanking causes a child not to trust you, to have mental problems, etc, sorry no it doesn't ask any child of the 20s-80s and they will tell you a lot differently, it's when you abuse a child, I am talking about horrible abuse that will cause these issues., parents it's time to stop being your child's friend and start being a parent, adults it's time to start caring for our fellowman, start making this nation great again, not by hating, or killing...Enough is Enough.