Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Little Bit About Me.

I guess I should start by telling you a little about me.  I am really not sure what to say other than as the title says, that is exactly what I am.  I am just starting on my journey of being a Wiccan.  The reason I chose this path was, I felt like something was missing, I was raised in a household that went to church, baptist church. I was always told that you have to believe in God to get to heaven and you have to do this and this and don't do this or else you're going to hell.  I started questioning certain things, I was told not to do that.  So when I met my husband twelve years ago and moved to California to be with him and finally married him, we had a chat one day about beliefs and he said even though he was raised Catholic, he was agnostic, meaning he claims neither faith nor disbelief in God, he knows there is some being, but not who or what.  I told him for many years I have been reading about wicca and that I had been thinking of taking that journey but that I was afraid of what he might think, or what my family might think.  He told me that he wondered why I didn't do the journey long ago as it seems to fit what I was looking for what had been missing in my life.  I totally agreed with him, so with his encouragement I started on my journey. It is a long process and you must be mentally and emotionally ready to commit yourself to it, now I am not saying that if you have any type of issues you cannot do this, heck if that were the case I wouldn't be able to start the path either.  I am dealing with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks and PTSD, not to mention that I also have agoraphobia.  What I am saying is that you should not start if you have doubts about yourself, or if you cannot commit to or sit still long enough to meditate or start the journey. Right now I am trying to get motivated to start the year and a day path.  I bought a wonderful book called :Wicca a Year And A Day.  I did start it, but life got in the way, I had a set back with my therapy and just couldn't get myself together to do it. As of now I am ready and will start my journey on my upcoming birthday of March 2nd.  I also finally after months and months of looking found my book of shadows.  If you are looking for a custom made, inexpensive book of shadows,and all handmade book for yourself.  I recommend magickallymade on etsy.   


 Another person that I have found that is just the greatest, is on youtube, herspeak aka Molly I listen to her when I need to become grounded again.  She is so down to earth and so spot on with what she says. Molly if you ever read this , I want to thank you for being who you are and for the videos you post they help me get through my day. 

Going back to the my bos, The picture below is a mock up of what it will look like on the cover, on the spine will be upraised Ivy vines and ribbon page markers with charms on the end and 1000 individual pages.  That is a real butterfly on the cover.  I love butterflies and teals and blues.  
I hope you like this first post, I will try to blog each day, if not then once a week. I will also try to keep talking about the Craft and my journey and sharing little bits of things with you as I learn. I will also be blogging about my day to day struggle with the issues I have stated at the start that I am dealing with.  Sorry for the length of this first post, I hope you all are having a wonderful day. 
Blessed Be and Merry Meet. 

The Cover of My BOS.